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    By Laws (What We Believe)





    Article 1: Name:

    As per the Articles of Incorporation filed March 30, 2020 and updated yearly 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024, with the State of Florida, Department of State, the
    official name of our organization is Living Spirit Catholic Community, INC.

    Article 2: Spiritual identity:

    We are an independent catholic community wherein people can come together with our ordained clergy for spiritual nourishment and guidance.


    We provide an environment conducive to ecumenical values sharing our love for God and supporting God’s love for the inherent goodness in each person. As per our Mission Statement, we welcome other Catholic jurisdictions, including Old Catholic, Orthodox, Roman, and non-Catholic traditions that are Tridentine and sacramental in their beliefs and practices, in our fellowship and worship. Other faith traditions are honored as well.

    Article 3: Beliefs:

    Our belief system is based on recognizing and supporting God’s love for all His created beings. We support the beliefs stated in the ancient Apostles' creed as well as the scriptures, but note that we, like true Christian and other God-loving traditions, emphasize equality of males and females in all capacities. We believe our church community services should be tailored to illustrate these intentions, not confining ourselves to one specific liturgical expression.

    Article 4: Liturgy and Practice:

    We provide a supportive community networking with other independent church groups on an ad hoc basis; we perform personal and group masses and other requested services in churches, homes, outdoors, and other locations.

    We provide short term pastoral counseling, and the administration ofsacraments, in a loving Christian fellowship of God created equals. We utilize computer-assisted means and in-person visits and worship to best meet the needs of those seeking what we can provide.

    Article 5: Mission

    In addition to our pastoral care listed in our liturgy and practice section, we also assist in the formation and education of vocationally-called persons toward ordination/consecration.


    We network with other churches and groups to extend programs and outreach ministries.

    We engage, individually and as a community, in various in-person and online ministries.


    Article 6: Governing body

    We are governed by a board consisting of the President, Vice President, and Treasurer or Comptroller. One Board member cannot hold two Board positions. All are equal Directors. Quorum is ⅔ members. If only two Board members are available, then the remaining two Board members must agree on all decisions. Otherwise, all remains the same. Removal of a Board Member must be by majority vote of the other Board members (as per above, comprised of President, Vice President, and Treasurer or Comptroller since on Board member cannot hold two posts on the Board) . If there is a vacancy on the Board, the remaining two members must agree to the appointment and selection of a new or replacement Board member. Conflict of interest on any specific decision would require abstinence from voting. Affinity or consanguinity, per se, is not a conflict and does not preclude Board Membership. In that case, notice should be provided to the Board for its consideration. All formal Board meetings, and decisions, must be publicly noticed and recorded in the minutes. Absent same, any such meeting, and its resulting decisions, are not binding or valid on LSCC.

    Our governing Board does not exist in a hierarchical status. There are, of course, only responsibilities specific to being a presiding bishop. Among them are decisions regarding suitability of candidates for ordination and designation of specific clerical roles within the organization. If an auxiliary bishop is serving at the time, then the presiding bishop should consult with that cleric on relevant clerical decisions. All non-clerical decisions, however, remain the exclusive purview of the Board.

    Since all members of the board have different gifts, it is the desire of the board to distribute responsibilities based on those gifts.

    All Board members will have equal input into decision making, including a specific candidate’s appropriateness for a formation program. Elevations, ordinations, and consecrations of laity, clerics, and bishops must be ratified by majority vote of the Board irrespective of the methods of formation, selection, appointment and / or ordination / consecration to all levels of clergy and the episcopacy. The Presiding Bishop heads formation programs, as to their religious contect, but any decisions regarding same are ultimately the responsibility of the Board. If it declines to approve these appointments, elevations, and ordinations / consecrations, then such decisions by the Presiding Bishop are are nullified and have no legal standing for LSCC.

    Since the Board has come from different ordination and training backgrounds, recommendations for further study for ordinands may be varied in their approach as well.


    The Board is to function in the best interests of LSCC in compliance with local, state, and federal laws while implementing its religious functions.


    The Board is represented by legal counsel appointed by majority vote. Legal counsel may function as a Board Member, with prior Board authorization, and serves at its pleasure. It is an unpaid, voluntary position only. Appointed legal counsel will represent the best interests of LSCC, only, and not the individual interests of a Board member.


    Presently, Fidel Iglesias-Lopez, PA fulfills this role.


    Communications, notices, decisions, and votiung of the Board may be via electronic means, including email and fax.


    While non-Board members may attend Board meetings, with prior invitation, the meetings are not open to the public.

    Article 7: Incardination

    Persons receiving Holy Orders in another church can be considered for incardination if evidence shows that they were ordained with valid apostolic succession by their ordaining bishop. The person may also be subject to a background check, psychological evaluation, and other reasonable criteria established the board.


    Familiarity and sufficient comfort level with the spiritual practices of LSCC is strongly encouraged before one incardinates. (review of liturgical basics required).


    Ordination, consecration, and / or incardination do not, per se, entitle anyone to Board membership.


    Article 8: Financials

    LSCC, as a secular entity, is incorporated and posted as a non-profit inFlorida, so it is eligible to receive charitable contributions. We periodicallyreview all church paperwork/accounts by both the secretary/treasurer and comptroller. Its purpose of dual monitoring is to assure/confirm its ongoing
    status as a nonprofit, properly using its funds. An independent auditor is also
    planned to review financials periodically.

    Our clergy are not paid a salary. If we are given a stipend for performing a wedding or funeral (for example), it is encouraged (not required) that clergy functioning as independent at that function tithe that amount to help defray costs of our governmental applications and their requiredyearly updates. However, if incardinated clergy are representing LSCC at any official community functions, whether on site, off site, or virtually, they must at least tithe (contribute 10%) of the proceeds to LSCC. Also, they must have written authorization from the legally responsible parties hiring them (or where they volunteer) to do so on for them / on their premises. LSCC incardinated clergy must have LSCC approval before engaging in any LSCC functions and must be covered by LSCC liability insurance before then. Failure of incardinated LSCC clergy to follow these procedures is prima facia evidence that they are not functioning as LSCC clergy at the event, location, time of the relevant function.


    All incardinated clergy are expected to contribute, regularly, as they can, every month to LSCC.


    LSCC is also a 501c3 approved entity. Based on the requirements of that status, if the dissolution of LSCC some day occurs, any remaining assets held by LSCC will be used exclusively for 501c3-exempt circumstances.


    Article 9: Clerical status

    Clerical state refers to ordained bishops, priests, and deacons and their status as a member of the clergy. Evidence of such ordination, and resulting letter of faculties from the Presiding Bishop and Auxiliary Bishop, are required to be admitted into clerical status before LSCC.

    The term may also apply to ordained, licensed, and commissioned ministers, pastors, and other employees or volunteers of LSCC if approved by the Presiding Bishop, Auxiliary Bishop, and a majority of the Board.

    Clerical status or state is not synonymous with incardination into LSCC. It does not, per se, entitle anyone to Board membership.

    The respective duties and rights of LSCC clerics are at the discretion the Presiding Bishop, Auxiliary Bishop, and a majority of the Board.


    Failure to abide by the duties in their letters of incardination, and these By Laws, may subject offending clergy to discipline, including suspension, recension of their faculties, and dismissal from LSCC.


    A majority vote of the Board may investigate, and sanction, clergy. In emergency situations, the Presiding Bishop or Auxiliary Bishop may immediately suspend any clergy without prior notice.

    Article 10: Non-discrimination policy

    LSCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, age, maritalor financial status, sexual orientation, or disability. We welcome all to the
    table of Christ for sacramental sharing as we are one body, operating in His

    Article 11: Intellectual Property

    LSCC has registered its service mark with the State of Florida. It is inthe process of registering its unique coat of arms as well.

    It reserves all of its copyrights, service / trademarks, and otherintellectual property as permitted by law, including its educational and formation programs. All potential users of same must secure written permission from LSCC before so using same.


    Article 12: Affiliations


    We are in communion with the American Apostolic Old CatholicChurch (Church in Exile), as per our Intercommunion Association Agreement (02/23/24), pursuant to its terms until the board decides otherwise.


    LSCC is also a movement church member of the Christian Alliance for Orphans, which shall remain the case until the board decides otherwise.


    It serves on the steering committee of the Independent Inclusive Consortium (Austin, TX). And a Board member is serving on the Board of Directors of St Andrew's Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies.


    Article 13: Parishes


    Our Diocesan seat is in Port St. Lucie, FL, where the Blessed Mother Chapel is located. It predated the foundation of LSCC. Our seminary training, and other theological programs, are based there. It is headed by Bishop Mary.


    Suwannee Missions of the Big Bend, Inc. is our mission parish located in Madison County, Florida. It is registered as a non-profit, 501(c)(3) affiliate, of LSCC, in this state. It incorporates, and abides by, all of these By Laws. It is located at the Fr. Paul H. Hall Memorial Chapel in Lee, FL. Led by Bishop Fidel.


    St. Lucy Chapel is our mission parish in Layton, Utah. Its Pastor is Rev. Tammy Wood. She recently incardinated with LSCC, but worked long before us. She continues her extensive Christian outreach, including visits to local jails.


    Article 14: Benedictines of the Living Spirit ("OSB")


    This "monestary without walls" was chartered, by LSCC, in August 2024. The Board of LSCC, in conjunction with its Bishops, provide the instutional framework for OSB, but a semi-autonomous OSB committee will eventually oversee its mandate and daily activities under the supervision of the LSCC Board and its Bishops. OSB is subject to the By Laws, procedures and rules, and episcopal decisions, of LSCC.


    Adopted and approved March 6, 2021 and revised 3/5/2023, 03/03/24, 04/25/24, 09/16/24, 11/13/24.


    (Image - Icon of Christ Pantocrator from Macedonia, 14th c, unknown, @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jesusicon.jpg)